From deep within the depths of moi....

You never know what's going to come from deep within the depths of moi.

Monday, June 04, 2007

fun class

Tonight i started teaching a six week class called Baby Signs. It's for moms and infants ages 0 to 7 months. The concept is that you can teach your infant to make signs-signs for milk, signs for "more", signs for hugs, love, feelings, etc. I have to admit that at first I thought it would be a totally crock, but it didn't seem to be. I think it might actually work. The teacher who taught it before me says that all the moms in her class learned. I'm optimistic. there are eleven moms in my class. Four of them whipped out their breasts and started feeding their babies, right there in the class. Condemn me if you wish, but it kind of turned me on. Yummm.


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