From deep within the depths of moi....

You never know what's going to come from deep within the depths of moi.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


I'm been out of commission for a while, because I was sick. So sick, in fact, that I had to be hospitalized twice-one in the city of Angels and once here in NYC. The plan was that I was going do donate my eggs to two friends of mine who can't have a baby by conventional means because one of them has fertility problems. The other one (they're a lesbian couple) is too old, so they got a sperm donor and an egg donor (yours truly). So, all was going well and I was excited about it, however, the medications (injections) that I had to take in order to stimulate my ovaries to produce a large amount of eggs caused me to take on water an develop a condition called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. See this link for more info At first it was diagnosed as a very mild case and the dr just told me to take it easy. However, I was scheduled to fly on an airplane two days later so that I could attend a party at the infamous Playboy Mansion. My doctor said I shouldn't fly because of the extreme risk of blood clots due to this water I was taking on. Not to be subdued, I decided, what the hell, I"m still going and I decided to start driving it. I left that evening. Four speeding tickets (in 3 different states-damn those Texas state troopers!) and nearly 3 days later, I arrived in Los Angeles exhausted, but excited. I checked into my hotel and decided to order some take out. I started to feel a little nauseous, but thought litte of it. By the time the front desk called to tell me that the delivery person was in the lobby, I was dizzy and nauseous and had massive pains in my stomach. Somehow I made my way to the lobby and my hands were shaking as I tried to pay for my food. Two bellboys and the delivery guy noticed something was wrong. I had to sit down and I just felt to sick and disoriented. The bell boy was about to call an ambulance. Not wanting ot make a bigger deal out of it, I declined and the to make a long story short, the delivery boy actually took me to a local ER in his own car. An hour later I was admitted to the hospital and they were making me drink large amounts of water so that I would urninate more and rid of body of the toxic buildup. I was hoping perhaps this could be accomlished in a few hours and that I'd be back to my hotel by midnight in order to get a good night's sleep so that I could be all rested up for the party the next day. I guess it just wasn't in the cards, because they kept me in the hospital for two days. I had to eat shitty hospital food and have people analyze my urine. It was awful. So, they released me and at that point all i wanted to do was go home. Cleared for airplane travel, I booked the next flight to JFK and got the car from the hotel. The car is a whole different story. It's still in long term parking at LAX airport and I may fly back out to retrieve it this week. Thinking my medical troubles were over I returned to New York disappointed about missing my chance be a part of the excitement at the Playboy mansion. Two days later, I started to feel sick and nauseous and dizzy again and I gained 5 pounds in a few hours. Then I started getting terrible chest pains and was convinced I was having a heart attack. My good friend Ross drove me the hospital and I was admitted again. This time they discovered the water that had built up in my stomach and uterus as a result of the stimulating medications had also spread to my lungs. This time it was much more serious and they made me drink more water and gave me injections of something else that flushed everything out. After another two days in a different hospital (the food was just as shitty and some friends snuck in McDonalds french fries and Dominos pizza for me), I was given a clean bill of health. But the car...the car is still in long term parking at LAX.


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